Analisis Penentuan Potensi Penerimaan Pajak Daerah Di Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Rokan Hulu


  • Nurhayati Nurhayati
  • Fitriyati Fitriyati


Potential of Non-Metallic Mineral, Metal Tax Reception


This study aims to calculate and analyze how big the potential for local tax revenues at the Regional Government of Rokan Hulu Regency, and how the prospects of acceptance in the future. In achieving the purpose of this study researchers used a quantitative analysis used to calculate the potential of local tax revenues. To analyze the data by using micro approach that is by calculating and analyzing the potential of local taxes, especially non-metallic mineral and rock taxes, using the calculation formula in accordance with the types of local taxes such as non-metallic mineral and rock taxes. Result of research From survey which have been done in 9 sub-districts with 42 taxpayer, overall potential of Rokan Hulu Regency is Rp 763,927,800. From that result can be seen the amount of potential non-metallic mineral and mineral tax revenues are in subdistrict Rambah Rp 321,703,800, and the lowest sub-district is in Bangun Purba sub-district of Rp 11.304.000, where the target set by the Government for the Year 2016 is Rp 750,000,000 with the realization of Rp 458,235,329. From the calculation that has been done if the potential revenue is compared with the target then the difference is Rp 13,927,800, and when compared with the realization of the difference Rp 305.692.471


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