magnetic sensor pasco PS 2112, moments magnetic, absorption, and cellulertelephonAbstract
In this research, measurement of static magnetic induction and magnetic moment induced by HP was carried out. The measurement of static magnetic induction was done for two directions namely horizontal and vertical directions. The static magnetic induction induced by that HP was measured using Pasco Magnetic Probe. The effect of the thickness of material such as cooper (Cu) inserting between magnetic probe and the HP was studied. For the horizontal direction (x direction), Cu and without Cu between magnetic probe and the HP, then the magnetic induction was measured for the distance of 0,7 cm from the HP. Static magnetic induction was also measured in vertical direction (z-direction) with and without Cu. The results showed that the static magnetic induction induced by that HP has a normal distribution with the position of the peak near the top of the HP. The value of magnetic induction was found to be 10 x10-4 T and 9 x 10-4 T without and with Cu respectively. For vertical measurement, the static magnetic induction reduced its values with increasing distance from the HP. By plotting B versus distance it was obtained that the magnetic moment of the HP was 1,5 Am2. Based on these plots then it was also found that the level of absorption of about 0,02 mm-1.References
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