Boundary layer, free convection, fluid flow, horizontal plate, similarity solutions.Abstract
In this paper, study the mathematical model of fluid flow free convection on a horizontal plate. Newton's mathematical model of fluid flow using Navier Stokes equations consisting of the continuity equation, momentum equation and energy equation. Navier Stokes equation in the form of system of nonlinear partial differential equations of order two dimensional. So on this equation is derived in advance to form a dimensionless equations, then be changed to form the system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, using similarity transformation. System of nonlinear ordinary differential equations that is, solved by using Finite-Difference Schem, and also with Mathematics program using matlab softwer. Completion numerically obtained for the problem of fluid flow within the fluid viscosity Newton lamina not compressible (incompressible viscous fluid flow) in the heat transfer plate horizontally. The results obtained from this program to determine the velocity profiles and a temperature profiles.References
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