
  • Purwo Subekti, Eddy Elfiano, Legisnal Hakim, Andi Rizki, Saiful Anwar. 1 Mechanical Engineering University of Pasir Pengaraian, Indonesia 2Mechanical Engineering Islamic University of Riau, Indonesia 3Mechanical Engineering Muhammadiah University of Riau, Indonesia 4Teacher Training and Education University of Pasir Pengaraian, Indonesia 5 Mechanical Engineering University of Pasir Pengaraian, Indonesia



Screw Press, Drive Shaft, Stress Concentration, Beach Mark.


Investigation was carried out because of the common failure at the screw press of drive shaft which made disruption on production activity of palm oil. Visual observation, interview and simulation were conducted. The finding supported by simulation using Nastran statistical software showed that the fracture occurred due to the fatigue. Based on simulation, it was known that the stress concentration occured on the keyway of the tooth wheel holder. It was proved by visual observation which showed the attrition of keyway due to the friction between post and keyway continuously occured in the drive shaft rotation. The continuously friction leaded to the loosening of the keyway. Futhermore,it made the strong impulse to the post keyway which finally caused the fracture at the keyway area. The continuously operating drive shaft caused the final fracture. The several characteristic of fatigue fracture could be seen from the fracture surface, such as the presence of residual fracture area, smooth surface and the presence of beach marks.


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