Soil, Iron Boron, Solenoid, Magnetic Degree, Magnetic Suseptibility. MappingAbstract
Themappingof magnetic susceptibility value sofsoil around Riau University hasbeen done. Theamountof soil taken from area roundthe University about 250 mg for each location. Thenumber of sample location sare 37 point sobtained from some Faculty at Riau University. Themethodused for sample collection was“ zig- zag” method. The 37 point location sof samples selected base don thegrid method. Thetotal magnetic induction of solenoid was measure dusing magnetic Pasco Probe Ps-2162, The magneticparticles and non magneticpartic leswere separatedusing Neodibilium Iron Boron Magnet (NeFeB). Theresults showed that the magnetic degree of samples variedin therangeof 0.04% -4.36%. The masssu septibility values of thesamples alsovaried from 61,94 x 10-8m3/Kg - 2039,88 x 10-8m3/Kg. Mappingthemagnetic susceptibility values of soil around Riau University wasdone of software usingthe “ surfer 11” . The highestvalues of mass suseptibility are obtained from Enginering Facultyandthe lowest values of masssu septibility are located from Economics Faculty.References
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