
  • Pada Lumba Fakultas Teknik



pasupati, kiaracondong


To overcome congestion in the center of Bandung Pasupati and Kiaracondong Flyover arebuilt. In the relation with that conditions this research has main purpose to investigate the trafficpattern after the Flyovers are operated and the investigation concern with the prediction of trafficpattern for the next 5 years and therefore the best solution can be found out.In this reseach basic model was assumpted of conditions of 2005. Developing the roadnetwork is first step in TFTP 97 Program, it should be suitable real field condition, include certainof centroid that are start and end of the journey. Input land use in TFTP 97 Program in this model isused trip generation data showing the number of journey demand, and next step is to run the roadnetwork.

Author Biography

Pada Lumba, Fakultas Teknik

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pasir Pengarain


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