centrifugal pump, head, wheel path.Abstract
Fluid transfer pump is a tool that is widely used today. Use pump continuously will cause the pump quickly broken. In the selection of pumps required an understanding of the performance capabilities of the pump and pump parts, in order to obtain the ideal pump. Centrifugal pump is a pump type often encountered and in use in the industrial world. This pump has the advantage that is able to move fluids with large capacity and pressure. Purchase and maintenance costs are relatively low in comparison with other types of pumps. Looking at the existing capacity of the pump is not able to provide the needs of water, then in need of additional pumps. The result of the calculation is as follows: the pump capacity (D2) 0.98 m³ / min, the total pump head is 42 m, the driving force of the pump (Np) 13186 watts, an efficiency of 50%, the critical rotation 9581 rpm, available NPSH 4.5 m, NPSH is needed is 2.6 m, the motor 2015 rpm, power 20 KW.References
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