electricity, steam power plant, palm midrib, renewable energy, biomassAbstract
Based on national electricity ratio, electricity condition in Indonesia is still felt not to meet the principles of justice and equity. Generally, rural people's livelihood Mahato is from the palm oil sector. Broad community-owned plantation is 300 acres. Oil palm plantations have the potential of biomass in the form of waste. Palm oil has a product of one of them is the midrib. One hectare of oil palm may yield as much as 6.2 tons midrib. Palm frond has an average calorific value of 3,754 kcal / kg with a range of energies from 3.678 to 3.745 kJ / kg. The study was conducted as a strategy for the development of renewable energy power plants is by utilizing midrib of oil palm biomass into a power source through a biological conversion process with cogeneration technology from the technology of steam power plant. Feasibility analysis is done based on the needs of the public electricity for 100 homes with power consumption of 450 watts each house, so that the total power that must be generated is equal to 45 Kw. The total cost of investment required is $ 60 million, and fuel consumption required is 250 kg/h.References
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