Rework, road projects, the main factor.Abstract
Rework is one of the main contributors resulting in cost overruns and delays in construction projects, which can result in losses for all parties, especially the service provider. This study aims to determine the main factors causing rework of the quality aspects of road construction project design document in Rokan Hulu as perceived by the consultant. This research was conducted by questionnaire, a scale of measurement used by the Likert scale, validity and reliability of data used product moment correlation technique with a significance level of 5%. Technical analysis is used the index interest aided by using Statistical Product Solution Service program (SPSS) for Windows version 18.00. Results of the analysis showed that the index of the interest of the main factors causing reworks from the aspect of quality road construction project design document in Rokan Hulu as perceived by the consultant in order of ranking are: (a) lack of knowledge of the character of the material; (b) the circumstances in the image in the field is not appropriate; (c) changes in the design by the owner; (d) the design of which is not clear; (e) poor coordination of the document; (f)design errors.References
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