evapotranspiration, water requirement, planting pattern scenario, irrigation areaAbstract
The objectives of the research was to analyze the irigation water requirement of Sungai Sawah Irrigation Area based on the climatic data. The amount of irrigation water requirement for paddy was determined by some factor such as the water requirement for land preparation, plant growth, percolation and seepage, water level replacement, and effective rainfall.The result of research proved that crops water requirement (ETc) for this area was range from 3.63 mm/day to 4,14 mm/day. The highest of preference evapotranspiration (ETo) was found on February I 4,40 mm/day for paddy. For the planting pattern scenario of paddy-paddy-paddy, the maximum irrigation water requirement were found on Januari II (0.04 m3/sec.ha) for PS I, Mei II (0.11 m3/sec.ha) for PS II and September II (0,07 m3/sec.ha) for PS III. The irrigation requirement was basically able to be fulfilled by effective rainfall.References
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