Strong press. Concrete, AggregateAbstract
This study aims to determine the magnitude of the compressive strength of concrete by using a fine aggregate from various quarry by using SK SNI and weight ratio mixture of 1:2:3.The results showed that the maximum value of Compressive strength of concrete mixture from various quarry aggregate by using the standard SK SNI obtained at the quarry lake Bingkuang concrete at the age of 28 days at 20.94 MPa. Strong hit a maximum value of mixing concrete from various quarry aggregate by a mixture of 1:2:3 ratio was also obtained on the quarry lake Bingkuang at 28 days amounting to 21.04 MPa.From a variety of fine aggregate quarry lakes tested were Bingkuang with 1:2:3 mixture has better quality than the other quarry, the difference in two ways is not too significant because the difference in compressive strength value of 0.5% only. The best Quarry of fine aggregate is from Bingkuang Lake area, but in general all good quarry used to mix concrete, because they meet the standards of SK SNI.References
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