Jurnal APTEK 2019-01-11T17:29:10+08:00 Purwo Subekti Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Aptek diterbitkan dengan maksud untuk mengumpulkan artikel ilmiah dari penelitian, makalah, inovasi, prosiding seminar dan konsep ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang teknik sipil dan teknik mesin atau yang relevan, kemudian mempublikasikan artikel tersebut.</p><p>Jurnal APTEK terbit 2 kali dalam setahun pada bulan Januari dan Juli. Isi artikel yang di muat bukan cerminan sikap dan/atau pandangan redaksi. Seluruh Isi artikel menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.</p> IDENTIFIKASI PENGARUH AIR LINDI (LEACHATE) TERHADAP KUALITAS AIR DI SEKITAR TEMPAT PEMBUANGAN AKHIR (TPA) TANJUNG BELIT 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Alfi Rahmi, Bambang Edison <p><em>Tanjung Belit landfill waste processing operations use a controlled landfil system, this is indicated by the presence of garbage collection ponds and leachate collection channels, but in the rainy season there is difficulty in accessing roads causing waste to be dumped outside the garbage collection pond, so that the TPA applies an open dumping system trash transported is immediately disposed of and stacked on land near the landfill. Waste deposits will produce a liquid known as lindi (leachate). This study aims to identify the effect of leachate from Tanjung Belit Landfill (TPA) on water quality around Tanjung Belit landfill. Samples were taken as many as 5 samples, namely leachate, monitoring well water and river water around the landfill where the parameters measured were pH, DO, TDS, BOD, COD, Nitrite, Sulphate and Chloride based on PP No. 82 of 2001 and KEPMEN LH No.51 of 1995 concerning Liquid Waste Quality Standards. The results of the analysis show that the leachate of Tanjung Belit landfill affects the quality of river water and monitoring well water around the Tanjung Belit landfill but is still classified as lightly polluted. The influence of distance on the quality of sunagi water and monitoring well water, namely the farther the distance, the less contamination in water.</em></p> 2019-01-05T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS KETERSEDIAAN AIR DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (DAS) ROKAN MENGGUNAKAN Genie Rural a 4 parametres Journalier (GR4J) ( Studi Kasus: AWLR Pasir Pengaraian ) 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Rafit Mahendra, Sigit Sutikno, Manyuk Fauzi <p><em>This research studied about hidrologie modeling for water availability analysis using the GR4J (Ge'nie Rural a` 4 parame`tres Journalier) method of the Rokan River Basin (DAS). The GR4J model uses data input in the form of daily rain data on Rambah Utama station and daily potential evapotranspiration data, climatological data on Rambah Utama station. The result of this modeling was tested using daily observation flow data at AWLR Pasir Pengaraian station. This model optimized four free parameters in the form of Maximum Production Store Capacity (X<sub>1</sub>) with value 217,74 mm, Coefficient of Ground Water Change (X<sub>2</sub>) with value -0,25 mm, Maximum Capacity of Routing Store (X<sub>3</sub>) with value 663,66 mm, and Peak Time Ordinate Unit Hydrograf (X<sub>4</sub>) with value 0,91 day. In the second method, calibration was carried out in a given year and verified in the following year. As a determinant of model success, the Nash Sutcliffe Coefficient (NS) equation and Correlation Coefficient (R) method are used to calculate the deviation.</em></p> 2019-01-05T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) OPTIMASI TEKNIS PENYEDIAAN AIR BERSIH (PAB) (STUDI KASUS KOTA PASIR PENGARAIAN) 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Ardiminsyah Manyuk Fauzi Ari Sandhyavitri <p><em>The compliance of clean water supply in Rokan Hulu Regency especially in Pasir Pengaraian City is still very limited. Based on the results of the field survey, it is known that clean water service for Pasir Pengaraian city is only 21.89%, which means that the existing clean water service is still far below the government's target of clean water service, which is 68% for urban areas.</em></p><p><em>This </em><em>research </em><em>describes the effort to compliance the clean water in Kota Pasir Pengaraian by optimizing the service and development of water supply Pasir Pengaraian city. The way it is done is the development of clean water infrastructure with a gradual system that is short-term, middle-term and long term. The development undertaken is the Development of Piped In Water Installation Installation (IPA); Development of Batang Lubuh River Intake Locations; Development On TVRI Reservoir; Development At Pawan IPA location; Development of Langgopan Reservoir Location; Distribution With computer System Pattern</em></p> 2019-01-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN KEKUATAN MELALUI PENAMBAHAN CANGKANG SAWIT PADA BETON RINGAN STRUKTURAL SEBAGAI AGREGAT KASAR 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Arifal Hidayat, Anton Ariyanto <p><em>The availability of 2 million tons / year palm shell waste in Riau Province is a potential source for the manufacture of lightweight structural lightweight concrete and an alternative to natural coarse aggregate substitutes. The aim of the study was to determine the value of the planned concrete compressive strength of 21 MPa produced when the palm shell was used as coarse aggregate in the form of a test cylinder, then tested at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of concrete. Based on the results of testing the compressive strength of structural lightweight concrete using palm shells as coarse aggregate substitutes shows that the average compressive strength at 7 days is 14, 29 MPa, 14 days of age is 17.04 MPa, age 21 days is 18.85 MPa, while the maximum compressive strength at 28 days is an average of 20.79 MPa. The overall compressive strength of lightweight concrete is close to the value of the concrete compressive strength of the 21 MPa plan.</em><em></em></p> 2019-01-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN DAN MITIGASI TERHADAP KERENTANAN PANTAI (STUDI KASUS : PANTAI PULAU RANGSANG, KABUPATEN KEPULAUAN MERANTI) 2019-01-11T17:29:10+08:00 Mufriadi, Ari Sandhyavitri Ferry Fatnanta <p><em>Rangsang Island is one of the 4 main islands in the Meranti Islands Regency. The location of this island is very strategic because it is directly adjacent to the Malacca Strait so that the island has very high economic value. Abrasion that occurred on Rangsang Island resulted in a lot of losses suffered by people living on the island's coast, including eroded coconut plantation land, damaged docks, to people who were forced to move because the location of the house was very prone to landslides. This final project identifies beaches that have a high level of vulnerability in Pulau Rangsang. Based on the results of the analysis, Pantai Tanah Merah is the beach with the highest vulnerability value. Installation of breakwater structures is effective in preventing unwanted shoreline changes in Tanah Merah. This is because material accessibility is closer to Tanah Merah Beach, prices are relatively cheaper, maintenance is easier so that it can improve work efficiency</em></p> 2019-01-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) PEMODELAN PENELUSURAN BANJIR MENGGUNAKAN METODE ADAPTIVE NEURO FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM PADA SUNGAI ROKAN KANAN 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Citra Perdana, Imam Suprayogi, Manyuk Fauzi <p><em>Flood is an occurence that marked with the increase in the water exceeds the capacity of volume water reservoir such as a river or water channel, factors that cause flooding in terms of meteorology are high rainfall and sea water was high, resulting in high water level increases. Flood predictable with see natural phenomena such as rainfall. One of method for flood prediction is with flood routing method. Flood routing is done as a means to reduce an adverse impact by flooding, Flood Routing is a hydrograph flow omputation in a downstream stream based on hydrograph flow of an upstream location. The purpose of this study is </em><em>to develop flood routing model in the Rokan Kanan river with use softcomputing </em><em>Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The data used in this research is secondary data 2014 to 2016 year, Data of Rokan Kanan river were collected from BWS Sumatera III in Pekanbaru. The Scenarios date used in this research is Q t+0, Q t+4, Q t+8, Q t+12 and Q t+16 with used variation of data comparison training and testing 70% : 30%, 60% : 40%, 80% : 20% and 50% : 50%. The results of this flood routing study in Rokan Kanan river, produce a correlation value of R = 0,6074 obtained during the use of data scenarios Q t+12 with used variation of data 80% : 20% and is classified as a strong correlatioan.</em></p> 2019-01-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS STABILITAS LERENG DENGAN PERKUATAN TIANG MENGGUNAKAN METODE ELEMEN HINGGA (STUDI KASUS JALAN DIPONEGORO KM. 2 PASIR PENGARAIAN) 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Yarvis Syahwaner, M. Yusa, Syawal Satibi The slope that often occurs on the road Diponegoro Km. 2 Pasir Pengaraian has always been a problem by Dinas Bina Marga Dan Pengaira Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, but previously improvements were made but were not entirely successful. Then the slope repair with retaining walls using the bore pile pile foundation was considered quite successful to prevent landslides on the road section. Based on these conditions the author tries to analyze and evaluate the stability of the slope by strengthening the bore pile pile, by analyzing the influence of the pile position (Xp/X), pile diameter, pile length (Lz/L) pile and pile spacing (S/D) on the slope. The object of the research was carried out on the slope of Diponegoro Km. 2 Pasir Pengaraian. The analysis used is field tension analysis with finite element method analysis of strength reduction. Soil parameters are known from several tests in the field and laboratories which are used as design variables in the analysis process.This thesis presents the safety factor of the two-dimensional finite element method with strength reduction analysis using the OPTUMG2 program to validate the slope stability analysis, slope stability analysis simulation with homogeneous clay soil, medium homogeneous clay and homogeneous rigid clay with mast strengthening and evaluation of slope stability analysis in the study case. The results of the numerical analysis based on the influence of the pile position on the slope, pile diameter, pile length, and spacing between the piles with two pile head conditions is free head and fixed head, the condition of the mast is sufficient to improve the safety factor of slope stability. 2019-01-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Aplikasi Metoda RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) Untuk Optimasi Operasional dan Perawatan Pada Unit Penanganan dan Pemurnian Biogas di PLT Biogas POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Aprizal, Fachruddin Siregar <p><em>Energy demand increasing, the world oil decreasing and the emissions problem of fossil fuels put pressure on any country to immediately produce and use renewable energy. One potential to be developed in Indonesia was biogas, particularly it was called POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent). One part of a Unit Power Plant Biogas POME was Unit Handling and Purification of Biogas. It’s problem was a decreasing in the quality of biogas (methane content) there was a H2S, water and impurities . The aim of this study was to determine the cause of the decline in the quality of biogas (Composition Methane) and generate the appropriate treatment method. The method was used to analyze the causes of decline in the quality of biogas in Handling and Purification unit, Data Collection report of routine maintenance activities; maintenance reports Analysis, Planning RCM methods, application methods RCM. As the implementation of selected case studies was the application method of RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) to Optimize of Operations and Maintenance 0f Unit Handling and Purification of Biogas in Power Generation Biogas (POME).</em></p> 2019-01-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) PENERAPAN RCM DENGAN ANALISA KUALITATIF ( FMEA ) SEBAGAI STUDI KEGAGALAN SISTEM PEMBANGKIT (GENSET) PADA SEBUAH HOTEL BINTANG EMPAT DI ROKAN HULU 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Ahmad Fathoni, Legisnal Hakim <p><em>When the electricity supply from PLN dies at a Hotel or PLN electricity in a Regency is not able to distribute to Hotels, then the Hotel is obliged to provide its own electricity supply by using a generator driven by a diesel motor. Diesel motors are internal combustion motors which are also called Compression Ignition Motors ("Compression-Ignition engines"). Diesel motors as drive generators used at Sapadia Hotels Type Cummins NTA 855 A. Diesel motors are very susceptible to malfunction, where many causes of malfunction are caused by human errors, age factors, maintenance systems, and operation of tools. The cause of the failure was also due to a lack of management planning to make a strategic plan for the treatment program. It needs to be applied reliability-based treatment method (RCM) with qualitative analysis with steps as follows: Determination of engine characteristics, System Functional Separation Diagram, Developing System Block Diagrams, Establishing Functions and Functional Failures, Making a List of Functions and Functional Failure, Implementation / Guidance on Failure Modes Effect Analysis (FMEA), failures often occur in diesel engines and cause down performance or diesel engines to be damaged because the sub-systems in diesel engines are not well maintained. Which is very influential on the performance of generator engines are injection pumps and injectors, pistons, piston rings and linear cylinders.</em></p> 2018-12-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) PERANCANGAN ULANG TOOLPOST (DUDUKAN PAHAT) PADA MESIN BUBUT C6232A KHUSUSNYA PADA BAGIAN LOWER TOOLPOST. 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Saiful Anwar, Ahmad Fathoni <p><em>Along with the increase in knowledge, especially in the field of machining, especially in turning the radius on conventional lathes with weaknesses: The resulting contour is not accurate, cutter radius size has limitations, each change in radius size requires an average of 10 (ten) minutes when turning inside radius, chisel sharpening is quite complicated, determination of start and end point radius is quite complicated. this research will design a radius tool clamp especially on the C6232A Lathe on the lower Toolpost ... The results of the design show that the best tool post radius design will be designed. This tool is also capable of producing large size radii up to R100, accuracy (Rmax) tools can reach less than 100 microns with the time required when the radius size change setting is only 40 seconds.</em></p> 2019-01-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) KAJIAN EKSPERIMENTAL PENGARUH LAMA WAKTU TEMPERING PADA PERLAKUAN PANAS TERHADAP SIFAT KEKERASAN KOMPONEN POROS BELAKANG SEPEDA MOTOR 2019-01-08T18:21:22+08:00 Yose Rizal, Sepfitrah, Ahmad Fathoni, Saiful Anwar <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the length of tempering time which significantly affected the value of hardness of the rear axle of a motorcycle. So if it is known the level of comparison of the magnitude of the value of violence and its suitability for its usefulness, it can be used as a valid reference for using the right length of time. The methodology used in this study was to carry out Rockwell hardness test experiments on Rear Wheel Axle Motorcycles at a temperature of 850oC heat treatment with a difference in the length of time tempering at 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes. The results of the hardness test after heat treatment were compared comparatively to the specimens which were not subjected to heat treatment. The results showed that the rear axle specimens of the motor heat treated had a hardness value of 25.66 HRB (120 minutes tempering time) at the base of the shaft position, a hardness value of 25.80 HRB (tempering time of 90 minutes) at the center shaft position, and value hardness of 25.60 HRB (tempering time of 60 minutes) at the position of the shaft end. Whereas the rear axle specimen of the motorbike which is not heat treated has a hardness value of 21.76 HRB at the shaft base position and 22.06 HRB at the center shaft position and 21.39 HRB at the end of the shaft position.</em></p> 2019-01-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c)