Collection Ratio, Classification Type Local Tax, Local Tax PotentialAbstract
This study aimed to quantify and analyze the potential of local taxes to improve the original income Rokan Hulu. The average contribution of each type of local taxes in 2008-2012 observations with an average contribution of 12.02%. The average growth of every kind of local taxes in 2008-2012 observations with an average growth of 19.30%. Identification or classification of types of local taxes Rokan Hulu potential based on the criteria of growth and contribution criteria consists of: local tax is a tax that prima restaurants and street lighting tax. Local tax taxes mineral potential is not logan and rocks. Local tax is a tax that develops underground water and fees for acquisition of land and building rights. Tax underdeveloped areas is hotel tax, entertainment tax and advertisement tax. Local tax elasticity calculations Rokan Hulu during the period 2008 to 2012 showed an increase elasticity value and per capita income growth also increased. Increased growth of per capita income elastic with increasing growth of local taxes. The period 2008-2009 the increase in per capita income is less than 1% of 0.94%. In 2009-2010 the growth of income per capita amounted to 1.72%, also has the potential to increase the growth of local taxes, as well as in 2010-2011 the increase in per capita income growth of 2.92% is also the potential to increase growth and local taxes in 2011-2012 increased revenue per capita of 5.22% also has the potential to increase the growth of local taxes.References
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