Pengaruh Displin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada PT. Kie Indonesia


  • Dewi Untari


Work Discipline, Employee Performance.


The Effect of Work Discipline on Performance of PT. KIE Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to know the hard work of PT. KIE Indonesia, to know the performance of employees at PT. KIE Indonesia and to know how the effect of work discipline on employee performance at PT. KIE Indonesia. The sample in this study is all employees at PT. KIE Indonesia Branch Kab. Bandung as many as 25 people, then the technique used is the census technique. The research method used is descriptive analysis method and associative analysis. In this study using primary data, namely by making observations, and the spread of questionnaires. For hypothesis experiments done by using Rank Spearman, besides also tested validates and reliability. The results of this study indicate the effect of work discipline on employee performance at PT. KIE Indonesia with the following results 0.547. Based on the Champion Criteria with a value of ρ = 0.574, this relationship belongs to a fairly strong criterion. The existence of influence between the variables of work discipline on the performance of employees, existing theory and justify the hypothesis research that the authors propose. Workplans can only be. Of other factors not examined by the author. In addition from the results of this calculation proved the better the work discipline the better the performance of employees. The instrument validity test results from variable X and Y variable according to all valid because > 0,3. Of test results Reliabilitas reliable instrumentifikat, from the variable X with a value of 0.902 and Y with a value of 0.761.


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