Analisis Pengaruh Gaji, Kedisiplinan Dan Pembagian Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Dan Karyawan Di Sekolah Esa Sejahtera Pekanbaru
Salary, discipline, allocation of task on teacher and employee perfomance in Sekolah Esa Sejahtera.Abstract
The purpose of this research is investigate : (1) To analyze effect salaries on the perfomance of teachers and employees Sekolah Esa Sejahtera. (2) To analyze effect discipline on the perfomance of teachers and employees Sekolah Esa Sejahtera. (3) To analyze effect allocation of task on the perfomance of teachers and employees Sekolah Esa Sejahtera.Its population was all of the techears and employees of Sekolah Esa Sejahtera which amounted 79 people. And were taken by using a census method by taking the entire population.The results of the research are as follows : (1) there is a positive and significant effect of the salary factor on the perfomance of teachers and employees Sekolah Esa Sejahtera. (2) there is a positive and significant effect of the discipline factor on the perfomance of teachers and employees Sekolah Esa Sejahtera. (3) there is a positive and significant effect of the division of work factor on the perfomance of teachers and employees Sekolah Esa Sejahtera.References
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