Service marketing mix, product, price, location, Promotion, People / Service Providers, Physical EvidenceAbstract
This study aimed to measure the effect of marketing mix variables to the decision Lecture At University student chose Sand Pengaraian . In measuring a student 's decision in choosing Lecture At University Sand Pengaraian here used questionnaire containing student agrees or not the components of the existing marketing mix variables . Furthermore, the data is processed by using a multiple linear regression method through SPSS 18 , using the F test , t test , and correlation coefficients to answer the hypothesis . Besides, it also tests the validity , reliability testing , test assumptions of normality , multicollinearity test , and heteroscedasticity test in order to obtain results that are not biased. From the results of multiple linear regression analysis , found that there mixyang entire marketing variables simultaneously affect the decision of choosing college student at the University of sand is only partially Pengaraian and promotional variable dominant influence on a student 's decision Lecture At University S1 choose Pengaraian Sand , and variable products are variables that influence compared with other variables .References
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