Motivation, InnovationAbstract
This research is in order to measure the level motivation of innovation for employee University of Pasir Pengaraian campus that is expected to serve as a campus employee evaluation of the level of creativity and also in terms of the training plan what to do college-related skills development of employees in the future. The study population was all employees University of Pasir Pengaraian campus, the selection of the size and method of sampling is purposive as many as 35 employees divided into several work areas and segments of the faculty. The main data source of this research is primary data obtained by questionnaire research techniques. The data were analyzed descriptively quantitative analysis techniques. Results of the study is that the level of motivation of innovation University of Pasir Pengaraian employees generally enough categorized, the three indicators in the low category, three other indicators in the categories less, and two indicators in the high category. From the results of the study suggested that management institutions evaluate the competency of the employees, the need for the development of the practice of learning organization for employees, the need for policy development working methods from the ground up, the need for evaluation of the performance apparaisal employees, the need for the development of policy incentives and bonuses of employees, there needs to be a certain standard setting in the completion of the employee's job, the need for the development and establishment of organizational work culture character following the application of training, and also the need for trainings work motivation.References
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