Mutation, Promotion and Labour CapacityAbstract
This research aim to to know mutation impact and promotion to labour capacity learn SMAN 2 Rambah Hilir. This Research use approach qualitative. Research type the used is observation and interview. Informan in this research counted 6 informan people which compose 3 mutation informan people and 3 promotion informan people. This research show mutation impact and promotion to labour capacity learn SMA Country 2 Rambah Hilir, to some mutation indicator and promotion namely mutation indicator which consist of request alone, displace productive duty ( DPD), approach of mutation of time facet, and problem of merit mutation and rating, while promotion indicator consist of experience, education storey, loyalitas, sincerity, responsibility, cleverness associate with, labour capacity, and initiative and creative. Than result of research found that one of done/conducted by follow-up head SMAN 2 Rambah Go Hilir assessment of achievement learn is mutation, because will know efficiency a teacher in finishing job description charged upon by is him. Referring to productive progressively and expanding career, needing treatment of organization covering position promotion able to push good teacher to be more or more zealing for to do a work in organizational environment.Pursuant to result of interview in this research yield conclusion that there are mutation impact and promotion to labour capacity learn posed at by Faithfulness indicator; sincerity, discipline, creativity, cooperation, leadership, personality, initiative, efficiency, responsibilityReferences
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