Strategi Meningkatkan Kompetensi Dosen Universitas Pasir Pengaraian melalui Pendidikan dan Pelatihan


  • Seprini - Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
  • Isa Setya Ningrum2 Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Pasir Pengaraian


Strategy, interest


Target of this writing to know strategy what used by University Pasir Pengaraian to increase its lecturer interest. This Research scope is research by using descriptive approach qualitative, collected data in the form of words, picture or in the form of data citations. This research  have place in University Pasir Pengaraian. As for its data source and type is primary data and data of sekunder. Tekhnik data collecting the used is observation, interview, documentation. Tekhnik analyse its data with process compilation of strategic plan three analysis phase, that is: data collecting phase (internal factor evaluation and eksternal), analysis phase (internal factor, eksternal and matrix SWOT) and decision making phase. Data analysis the used is 1) Descriptive analysis, this matter relate at education analysis and training of lecturer of UPP 2) Analysis Strategy SWOT or TOWS 3) Diagram Cartesius, diagram analysis of cartesius indicate that University Pasir Pengaraian reside in [at] development of which can improve lecturer interest 4) Matrix SWOT. Pursuant to this analysis indicate that company operational can be determined by internal factor combination and eksternal.Pursuant to result of research can know that University Pasir Pengaraian reside in on course Growth owning strength and opportunity. To reach the the position hence require to pay attention strategy stages;steps what will be used, how the strategy evaluation before taking an decision.


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