
  • Arrafiqur Rahman Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
  • Makmur - Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Pasir Pengaraian


Job Satisfactions, Spiritual Intelligence, Spiritual Behaviour


This study aimed to examine the effect of spiritual behavior on employee job satisfaction through the intervening variable of spiritual intelligence. By using quantitative research-survey design, sample was selected by purposive sampling technique as much as 108 people at one of the company employees of palm oil mill in Rokan Hulu. Primary data were obtained with the technique using a Likert scale questionnaire and the data were analyzed with descriptive and path analysis approach. The study concluded that spiritual behavior (X1) does not directly affect the job satisfaction of employees, but directly affects the spiritual intelegency employees (X2) and spiritual intelligence employees (X2) also directly affects employee’s job satisfaction palm oil mills. The findings suggested that management should facilitated formal learning and informal learnin, organizations also related understanding of spirituality, it is advisable also to strengthen employees' sense of security, well explained about the promotion, whether or not the employee has an opportunity to be promoted and be claritied of career, as well as the need for style situational leadership, especially in explaining the perceive of employees’ fairness treatment.


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