Konservasil Farmland, The Development and Land UseAbstract
This study discusses the conversion of paddy fields in Sleman are constantly increasing over time. Sleman District Government to establish areas of productive agricultural centers to maintain the ability to produce food, especially rice. The subjects were farmers who have land in the village of as many as 35 people Sekarsuli obtained using snowball sampling. Paddy land conservation program will be sustained when the value of the program is received and in accordance with the expectations of landowners. One model is the determination of the value of conservation programs is the value of land development rights. Value of land development rights is the difference between the expected value of the optimal land to the value of land. Estimates of the value of further land development rights offered to landowners if they agreed that if the value was used as the basis of determining the value of land conservation programs. Conclusion: (1) based on the estimates obtained by the average value of land amounting to 55 percent of the estimated value of the optimal land. The amount of excess is an average of 45 percent, hereinafter referred to as the value of land development rights (Value Development Right). (2) Respondents who agreed with conservation programs by 24 respondents, while the other does not agree as much as 11 respondents. The land area and distance lands to public facilities be an influential factor on the landowner's decision to accept or reject the programs offered.References
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