Palm shell carbon, amorphous structure, the atomic percentageAbstract
Research has been carried out using x-ray diffraction analysis and analysis of Atomic Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDAX) on a sample of oil palm shell carbon. X-ray diffraction spectrum of a sample of oil palm shell carbon has an amorphous structure with two peaks in the energy intensity of 639 AU and 232AU (Arbitari Unit). The elements contained in the oil palm shell carbon containing elements other than carbon C amounted to 98.48% of other elementsthat are also contained 0.71% Si silicon. EDAX analysis of the percentage obtained on the building blocks of atomic carbon C is approximately 99.69% and 0.31% Si silicon. SEM analysis obtained by cross-sectional shape is irregular, so it can be concluded that oil palm shell carbon is amorphous, and visible changes in the peak position, width and height of the temperature difference diffractogramto the formation of massive carbon charcoal granules.References
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