Learning Tools, Process Skills, Learning OutcomesAbstract
This study aims to obtain the desired product, which is a valid learning tool that is suitable for use. The products are: (1) Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), (2) Teaching materials and (3) Student Worksheet (LKS). The specific target of research is to produce learning tools that are valid, practical and effective, so that they can be used during the learning process. This research includes research and development, the development of the device model used refers to the four-D model (4-D model) which consists of four stages, namely: (1) defining, (2) designing , (3) development, and (4) dissemination. The results of the validation of the validators, the questionnaire responses from students and teachers, and observations of students and teachers, showed the physics learning tools namely RPP, teaching materials (modules), worksheets and assessment sheets using a process skills approach that was developed already valid, practical and effective . Learning tools oriented to the process skills approach can improve student learning outcomes, where the cognitive aspect shows a high level of classical mastery learning with a percentage of completeness of 82% for a mean value of 77, a psychomotor domain of a percentage of completeness 79%, with an average score of 77 and an affective domain shows the percentage of completeness is 89%. The average value of affective learning outcomes is also above the KKM which is 79.References
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