
  • Maitalataf Maitalataf Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Ahmad Fauzi Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Hamdi Hamdi Universitas Negeri Padang


Volcanic Eruption, Cooperative Problem Solving, Process Skills, High School Physics Learning Device.


This research is motivated importance of disaster preparedness of communities facing the threat of volcanic eruptions. This research aims to develop a high school physics learning device based learning model with the model of Cooperative Problem Solving Approach integrated process skills catastrophic volcanic eruptions valid, practical and effective in learning. This type of research is the development of research (research and development). Development model used is the 4-D models consist of define, design, development and dessiminate. The collected data descriptive analysis. Based on the research results define phase obtained: (1) front-end analysis obtained KI 1, KI 2, KI 3 and KI 4 with KD 1.1, KD 2.1, KD 3.6 and KD 4.6 are integrated with disasters volcano eruption; (2) ), leaner analysis obtained the characteristics of students in the form of prior knowledge 23,75%, learning skills 27,22%, personal 22% and socio-emotional 35%; (3) competency task From the task analysis resulting in attitudes, knowledge and skills; (4) material analysis obtained facts, concepts, principles and procedures of the material impulse and momentum integrated disaster volcano eruption; (5) analysis of learning objectives obtained  for KI.1, KI.2, KI.3 and KI.4. Results of research on the design phase obtained: (1) criterion-test selection obtained instrument validation; (2) media selection obtained instructional media such as video and appliance pratikum; (3) format selectian obtained the format of the device; (4) preliminary design of learning device obtained syllabus, lesson plans, handouts, worksheets, competency assessment of knowledge, attitudes and skills.


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