ANALISIS KETERSEDIAAN AIR DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (DAS) ROKAN MENGGUNAKAN Genie Rural a 4 parametres Journalier (GR4J) ( Studi Kasus: AWLR Pasir Pengaraian )
GR4J, Calibration, verification.Abstract
This research studied about hidrologie modeling for water availability analysis using the GR4J (Ge'nie Rural a` 4 parame`tres Journalier) method of the Rokan River Basin (DAS). The GR4J model uses data input in the form of daily rain data on Rambah Utama station and daily potential evapotranspiration data, climatological data on Rambah Utama station. The result of this modeling was tested using daily observation flow data at AWLR Pasir Pengaraian station. This model optimized four free parameters in the form of Maximum Production Store Capacity (X1) with value 217,74 mm, Coefficient of Ground Water Change (X2) with value -0,25 mm, Maximum Capacity of Routing Store (X3) with value 663,66 mm, and Peak Time Ordinate Unit Hydrograf (X4) with value 0,91 day. In the second method, calibration was carried out in a given year and verified in the following year. As a determinant of model success, the Nash Sutcliffe Coefficient (NS) equation and Correlation Coefficient (R) method are used to calculate the deviation.References
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