Aplikasi Metoda RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) Untuk Optimasi Operasional dan Perawatan Pada Unit Penanganan dan Pemurnian Biogas di PLT Biogas POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent)
Biogas, POME, Reliability Centered Maintenance.Abstract
Energy demand increasing, the world oil decreasing and the emissions problem of fossil fuels put pressure on any country to immediately produce and use renewable energy. One potential to be developed in Indonesia was biogas, particularly it was called POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent). One part of a Unit Power Plant Biogas POME was Unit Handling and Purification of Biogas. It’s problem was a decreasing in the quality of biogas (methane content) there was a H2S, water and impurities . The aim of this study was to determine the cause of the decline in the quality of biogas (Composition Methane) and generate the appropriate treatment method. The method was used to analyze the causes of decline in the quality of biogas in Handling and Purification unit, Data Collection report of routine maintenance activities; maintenance reports Analysis, Planning RCM methods, application methods RCM. As the implementation of selected case studies was the application method of RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) to Optimize of Operations and Maintenance 0f Unit Handling and Purification of Biogas in Power Generation Biogas (POME).References
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