JEE (Journal of English Education) 2020-02-03T15:27:00+08:00 Andri Donal Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of English Education is a scientific journal that collects the results of the research and scientific work of lecturers, teachers, or students associated with learning and teaching English. It is a blind peer review international journal which publishes manuscripts within the fields of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), Teaching English as Spoken Other Language (TESOL), English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Applied Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching, Discourse Analysis, Culture and Language (more on focus and scope). It is published by English study program of University of Pasir Pengaraian, Riau, Indonesia. It is published twice a year in June and December (<strong>P-ISSN: <span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;"><a style="text-decoration: NONE;" href=";&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;2459-9719" target="baru">2459-9719</a></span></span> E-ISSN: <span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;"><a style="text-decoration: NONE;" href=";&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;2459-9719" target="baru">2597-7019</a></span></span></strong>);</p> STUDENTS’ ERROR IN USING PERSONAL PRONOUNS IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT AT TENTH GRADE OF SMAN 01 RAMBAH SAMO 2020-02-03T15:22:10+08:00 Wahyuni . Rivi Antoni The purpose of this research was to find out the types of students’ error in using personal pronouns in writing narrative text. The indicators are: (1) Omission, (2) Addition, (3) Selection, (4) Ordering. By those indicators, the researcher would know the kinds of error that made by the students in using personal pronouns in writing narrative text. This was a qualitative descriptive study. The population was tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Rambah Samo. The samples were 29 student, that taken by using random sampling technique. The instrument was writing test. From the finding of the study, it can be seen in the high frequency error was made by students was error of selection with 75 errors, which means 60 % of error total. The next most error made by the students was error of ordering with 23 errors or 19 %. The students made 20 errors of error of omission or 16 %. They also made 6 errors of addition or 5 %. As a result, it can be concluded that the students still have problem in using personal pronouns in writing narrative text. 2019-12-02T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) STUDENTS’ GRAMMATICAL ERROR IN DELIVERING THE IMPROMPTU SPEECH 2020-02-03T15:17:26+08:00 Vivi Amanda Andri Donal The purpose of this research was to find out the types of grammatical errors frequently made by students in delivering the impromptu speech. The aim of learning a language is to be able to communicate in a right way. There is no a silent language knowledge, a language must be produced in words to achieve its goals in learning second or foreign language comprehending. Trough speaking, we can see how is a speaker skill in mastering a lang uage. A good speaker is who able to produce language which arranged as its rule. In speaking, appropriate sentence structure and context are very helping in order to gain listener‟s comprehending. In collecting the data, the researcher used documentation of video of impromptu speech. A method to analyze the error is called error analysis. The indicators are: (a) Morphology error (b) Syntax error. From these indicators, the researcher find out students‟ grammatical error in delivering the impromptu speech. In this research, the researcher found 127 errors in morphology. Those were 34 (14,5%) errors in noun, 77 (33%) errors in verb, 4 (2%) errors in adjective, 2 (1%) errors in adverb, 10 (4%) errors in preposition. In syntax was found 107 errors. Those were 26 (11%) errors in phrase, 33 (14%) errors in clause, 21 (9%) errors in sentence, and 27(11,5%) errors in intersentence. From the result, the researcher concluded that the most frequent grammatical error found in verb. 2019-12-02T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) AN ANALYSIS OF IDIOMATIC EXPRESSION FOUND IN ADELE’S LYRICS SONG 2020-02-03T15:24:21+08:00 Anastasia Ema Gunawan Eripuddin . <p>The purpose of the research was to find out the idiomatic expression and to find out the contextual meaning of idiom expression which are used in Adele’s lyrics song. The technique of analyzing the data the researcher used descriptive qualitative. Qualitative research referred to the meaning, concepts, definitions, symbols and description of the things. <br />There are 56 idiomatic expression found in 3 types of idiom those are Phrasal verb idiom, Tournure idiom and Irreversible Binomial idiom. Whereas another idiom could not be found by the researcher during the analysis. This research found the menaing of idiom expression moast as a contextual meaning. The researcher hopes that’s this thesis will be useful for both theoretical and practical source in learning how to translate<br />English Idiom and also for those who conduct further study about analysis of idiomatic expression.</p> 2019-12-02T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH ABSTRACT WRITTEN BY THE PARTICIPANTS ON NATIONAL SEMINAR PROCEEDING 2020-02-03T15:25:03+08:00 Siti Nuraminah Pipit Rahayu <p>This research investigated about the English Abstract Written By The Participants on national proceeding conducted by University of Pasir Pengaraian. The purpose of this research was to analyzed English Abstract Written By The Participants. This research was descriptive qualitative design. The population of this research was 45 abstract. The sample of this research was 45 abstract. The data was to analyzed by three raters. Based on the two indicator that have given by the researcher. The result of this research that showed based on the first indicator was categorized in good level, mean while The result of this research based on the second indicator was categorized in fair level. The weaknesses of the participants in writing abstract, most of them did not write the conclusion in their abstract. The<br />weaknesses of the participants in writing abstract, most of them did not written the conclusion, suggestion, and not using ARIAL 11 in their abstract.</p> 2019-12-02T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) THE EFFECT OF USING SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS' SPEAKING SKILL AT XI GRADE OF MAS KEPENUHAN 2020-02-03T15:26:03+08:00 Nur Elmi Hidayati Batdal Niati <p>The purpose of this research was to find out the effect of Small Group<br />Discussion technique on students’ speaking skill in narrative text. This<br />research was conducted in March 2019. The sample was the eleventh grade<br />students of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta (MAS) Kepenuhan. The research<br />method was Experimental research, the number of the sample joined in this<br />research was 40 students. The researcher divided them into two classes,<br />the research post-test only design to find out the effect of Small Group<br />Discussion technique toward on students’ speaking skill. According to the<br />test given, the researcher found that the students’ post test in the<br />independent sample T-test was 0.000 smaller than 0.005 with probabilitas<br />2tailed, So, 0.000/2 = 0,000 smaller than α = 0.005, or 0,000 &lt; 0.05. So.<br />Ho rejected. The df 38. It could be concluded that Ha accepted and Ho<br />rejected. It means small group discussion had significant effect on students<br />speaking skill in the narrative text at Eleventh grade students of Mas<br />Kepenuhan.</p> 2019-12-02T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) STUDENTS’ ANXIETY IN SPEAKING ENGLISH AT SECOND SEMESTER OF ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM AT UNIVERSITY OF PASIR PENGARAIAN 2020-02-03T15:26:35+08:00 Rahmad Kurniadi Evi Kasyulita <p>Anxiety is uncomfortable feeling that someone feels in facing any situation. Anxiety is common problem in speaking especially to learners.<br />The purpose of the research was to find out the factors and the types of students’ anxiety in speaking at second semester students of English study program at University of Pasir Pengaraian. This research was design a descriptive qualitative research and instrument that the researcher used in collecting the data is questionnaire. The sample of the research were 15<br />students. The finding result of the research showed, there were 14 students classified into state anxiety, and 1 students classified into trait anxiety. So the most of second semester students were classified into state anxiety.<br />This result was taken from open-ended questions.</p> 2019-12-02T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) AN ANALYSIS OF MATERIALS IN A STUDENT TEXTBOOK AT SECONDARY SCHOOL IN 8th GRADE 2020-02-03T15:27:00+08:00 Raja Daud Simorangkir Tumiur Ririn Afriani Naibaho Pennalia Sinambela Chyntia Tiodora Panjaitan <p>Learning English is very important for education because English is one of the most used language in the world. This paper was conducted to students 8<sup>th </sup>secondary school. The findings of the English On Sky 2 By Erlangga to find out whether be English text book use for the secondary school. This book developed the skills suggested by the school-based curriculum and communicative exercises. The second book is Bahasa Inggris Communicative English in Context by Grafindo. This book discusses written and interpersonal text interaction learning material. The third book is When English Rings a Bell by PT Gramedia. In this book students are invited to boldly seek other learning resources available and within reach.. After learn these books the students can increase their knowledge about English education.</p> 2019-12-02T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c)