
  • Fajar Syukron



Bokashi organic fertilizer, Cirata Reservoir, fisheries waste, fish meal


Dead fish after upwelling in Cirata Reservoir might cause environmental pollution if it is not well managed. A solution that can be used is utilizing the waste into bokashi organic fertilizer. The purpose of this research were to process fish wastes into bokashi organic fertilizer that meet standards of SNI, and to apply on kale growth. Research was divided into three stages. The first stage was production of fish meal from Cirata Reservoir fisheries waste. The second stage was production of bokashi organic fertilizer by mixing fish meal, rice bran and coconut dregs with fish meal concentration of 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%. The third stage was fertilizer application on kale. Bokashi organic fertilizer product had organic C of 13,98%-17,77%, N total of 3,23%-7,80%, C/N ratio of 1,69-5,50, P total of 1,46%-2,90%, and K total of 0,92%-1,46%. In general, bokashi organic fertilizer product did not meet standard of SNI because C/N ratio was below the standard. Bokashi organic fertilizer with 30% fish meal combination resulted the highest kale growth (p < 0,05).


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