tempe industry, tofu industry, soybean preferencesAbstract
Soybean is the main raw material of tempe and tofu industry. This research was purposed to analyze the preference of soybean in home and small industry of tempe and tofu to explore of importance to soybean attribute in Pati Regency. The method used in this research was survey with purposive method to determined the research location. A total of 25 home industry and 25 small industry tempe and 25 home industry and 25 small industry tofu were selected as respondents with mutistage sampling method. Methods of data collection conducted by interviews with structure questionnaires. Then data were analyzed with Conjoint analysis. Results found that tempe and tofu industry both likes big soybeans, round soybean form, yellow soybean color, and imported varieties. The order of preference for the combination of soybean attributes most prioritized for tempe industry are the size soybean, soybean varieties, soybean shape, and soybean color. While the tofu industry the attributes prioritized in succession are the form of soybean shape, soybean size, soybean varieties, and soybean color.References
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