
  • aulia rahma puspita sari



efficiency, market share, supply chain


The research was aimed to determine the flow of product, financial flow, information flow, and to analyze the supply chain efficiency of honey pineapple commodity in Pemalang Regency. This research started on October 2017 in the Beluk village, Belik Distrct, Pemalang Regency. The research used survey method. Sampling method used simple random sampling method for the farmer respondents and snowball sampling method for the upstream and downstream respondents. Data were analysed  describing and market efficiency analysis with marketing margin calculations, share marketing and efficiency marketing were used. The result showed the honey pineapple’s supply chain in Pemalang Regency came from the upstream subsystem, on farm, and downstream subsystem. The doer activity of pineapple supply chain involves some physical activity such as cultivation, stripping, packaging, packing, storage, and transportation. Trade activities were sales and purchases. Facility activities were sorting and grading. There is 4 patterns in the supply chain of the honey pineapple commodity in Pemalang Regency. Pattern 1, 3 and 4 were inefficients with the share marketing value less than 40% and pattern 2 was efficient with the share marketing value equal or more than 40%.


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