growth regulator substances, upland rice, randomized block design, factorialAbstract
Upland rice is the main food crop for the people of Indonesia in addition there are various regions in Indonesia which main food besides rice. Rice cultivation has long been cultivatedintensification , but the business can not increase crops. One attempt to do is the provision of plant growth regulators and potassium fertilization. This study uses a randomized block design arranged in a factorial with 3 replications per each treatment without growth regulators A0 = notregulators, A 1 =atonik 1.00 cc/liter of water, A2 = hydrasil 2.00 cc/liter of water, A3 = 5 EC 1.00 cc/liter air. without KCl = B 0 , B 1 = KCl 50 kg/ha, B2 = KCl 100 kg/ha, B 3 = 150 kg KCl/ha.From the results of the study showed that administration of growth regulators and potassium fertilizers showed significant response to the age at exit panicle, number of productive tillers per hill, age at maturity, number of grains per panicle and weight of 1000 seeds. Provision of plantgrowth regulators and potassium fertilizer did not provide a response to plant height, number of tillers per hill, panicle length, percentage of filled seeds and production of dry beans per plot. With the provision of plant growth regulators dharmasi 5 EC 1.00 cc/liter of water and KCl100kg/ha already can improve Crop yields.References
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