
  • Feliatra - Universitas Riau
  • Zainuri -
  • Dessy Yoswaty



Vibrio sp, Tiger shrimp, Pathogenicity


Shrimpis one of the sources ofhighquality protein, shrimp isexcellentforIndonesiannon-oil exports. Heightenedshrimp farming, it will not beseparated fromthe shrimpcrop failure , thecause isone ofthewell-knownshrimpdiseasebacteriumVibriospisacauseof diseasevibriosisThis  research  was  conducted  from  July  to  August  2010  with  the  purpose  to  know  the level pathogenitas and  early symptoms are  caused by bacteria in the Vibrio sp on tiger prawns. Vibrio sppathogenitas  tests  conducted  at  the  Brackishwater  Aquaculture  Development  Centre  (BBPBAP) Jepara.The results showed that all species of Vibrio sp (V. harveyii, V.alginolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. anguilarum, V. parahaemolyticus) are pathogens tested, it is characterized by the occurrence of death in tiger shrimp larvae in all treatments. The death of the infected shrimp larvae at densities of bacteria Vibrio sp 10 4 CFU/ml respectively are 3.3%, 6.7%, 6.7%, 36.7%, then increase the mortality of shrimp with the  concentration of bacteria suspended in a row 55%, 68.3%, 73.3%, 81.7% and 100% with aconcentration  of  10 7 bacteria  CFU/ml.  The  higher  the  concentration  of  bacteria  that  infected  a  longperiod of immersion and comparable with pathogenitas bacterium Vibrio sp that causes  mortality  ofshrimp larvae is higher. Vibrio harveyi is a bacterium with Pathogenicity  highest level  of the  other. Clinical symptoms were found among other shrimp do not swim regularly to jump surface and poor appetite or decreased.


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