Kalium, mulsa, cabai, pertumbuhan, pupuk, organikAbstract
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is one of the horticultural crops that are used for domestic purposes as seasoning, food industry and medicine..This research was carried out village Tranmigrasi DU SKPC subdistrict Rambah Hilir regency Rokan Hulu. The reason the research is made in place is because source of water and labor in the region there is. This study is a factorial experimentwhich consists of twofactorswith each of the four factorsand six replicationswere carried out in completely randomized design (CRD).Factor 1: Potassium (K) consists of a four-level factors:K1: 350 kg of KCl per ha = 10.50 g KCl per plot, K2: 400 kg of KCl per ha = 12.00 g KCl per plotK3: 450 kg of KCl per ha = 13.50 g KCl per plot. K4: 500 kg of KCl per ha = 15.00 g KCl per plot,Factor 2: inorganic and organic mulch (M) consists of a four-level factors:M1: black synthetic mulchM2: Newspaper Mulch M3: rice husk mulch M4: bananaleaf mulch. concluded that the administration of potassium 350kg/ha of KCl or 450 kg / ha can increase the growth and yield of chilli, Newsprint mulch can improve growth and yield of chilli. Combination ofpotassium KCl 350 kg / ha or 450 kg / ha and newsprint mulch can improve growth and yield of pepper plants.References
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