
  • Liyanan - Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi Alamat: Jl. Raya 9, Tromol Pos 11, Cikampek Subang 41256 – Jawa Barat Telp: (0260) 520157. Fax : (0260) 520158
  • Elis Septianingrum Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi Alamat: Jl. Raya 9, Tromol Pos 11, Cikampek Subang 41256 – Jawa Barat Telp: (0260) 520157. Fax : (0260) 520158
  • Bram Kusbiantoro Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi Alamat: Jl. Raya 9, Tromol Pos 11, Cikampek Subang 41256 – Jawa Barat Telp: (0260) 520157. Fax : (0260) 520158




mineral, zinc – rich rice and biofortification


Mineral  elements  is  one  of  the  components  that  are  needed  by  living  things  in addition  to  carbohydrates,  fats,  protein,  and  vitamins.  The  content  of  some  mineral elements  in  foodstuffs  need  attention  because  it  is  very  instrumental  in  some  goodmetabolism in humans, animals and plants. Rice breeding research has now come to the use of genes with vitamins and minerals that have been successfully developed iron – rich rice,  zinc – rich  rice   and  beta  carotene  rich  rice  as  a  source  of  vitamin  A.  Efforts  toincrease  the  zinc  content  in  rice  products  and  other  food  products  needs  to  be  done  to contribute to the increase in value-added products and the improvement of nutrition and public  health.  Biofortification  is  an  effort  to  increase  the  zinc  content  in  rice  has  beendone  in  Indonesia.  The  study  was  conducted  on  a  national  varieties  of  high  yield potential.  Based  on  the  research  results  Indrasari,  et  al.  (2002),  local  varieties  PandanWangi, Solo, and Rojo Lele contain high zinc


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