Penerapan Algoritma Fuzzy Clustering Untuk Penentuan Jurusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan


  • Basorudin . Fakultas Ilmu Komputer


Keywords, Clustering, Majors Student, completeness Minimum Criteria Fuzzy C-Means, Matlab 6.1.


Abstract : Fuzzy C-Means algorithm is an algorithm that is easy and is often used in the technique ofgrouping the data as it makes an estimate efsien and does not require a lot of parameters. Severalstudies have concluded that the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm can be used to classify data based oncertain attributes. In this study will be used Fuzzy C-Means algorithm to classify the junior highschool student data based Value core subjects for the majors. The study also examined the level ofaccuracy of Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in determining the majors in Vocational Education. In thispeneitian data to be in Cluster 4 Cluster is comprised of 4 courses in SMK Negeri 1 Rambah namelyComputer Engineering Network


Proporsi Eigen Value Dari Matriks Similarity dan Indeks XB (

Mining, 1 Mei 2013, ISSN: 2085-4579

Angga Ginanjar Mabrur et al.

Kredit, Edisi. I Vol. 1, Maret 2012


