Implementasi Sistem Informasi Profil Dose Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
Lecturer, Profile, SIPD (Lecturer Profile Information System), Information SystemAbstract
The development of information technology brings us into a new world, a world where communication plays an important role in life. A variety of facilities are provided to meet all communication needs. The Faculty of Computer Science is one of the Faculties at Pasir Pengaraian University, at the Faculty of Computer Science also provides various information about teaching staff (lecturers), lectures, teaching schedules and so on. Management of information at this time is by the archive system on file folders with a long search process. Based on these problems a special lecturer profile information system was created at the Faculty of Computer Science. In the system built this has the advantage that the search time does not require a long time and can be accessed by all parties. With this system can help all parties who need lecturer data.References
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