
  • Eripuddin . English Study Program
  • Hardianto . Faculty of Teacher Training and Education


Improving, Achievement Motivation, Educational.


According to UNESCO in Global Education Monitoring report on 2016 mentions that Indonesia's education rankings were number 10 from 14 developing countries. The teacher as the main component of education was ranked 14th or the last rank. These data indicate that teachers’ achievement motivation needs to be improved. Achievement motivation is the teachers’ desire to teach and do the task well . Based on the literature review, the authors concluded at there were four characteristics of teachers who have achievement motivation. In addition, in this study also obtained three ways that can be done to improve teachers’ achievement motivation.


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Eripuddin, Hardianto

| Journal of English Education Vol. 4 No. 1 June 2018

P-ISSN: 2459-9719, E-ISSN 2597-7091

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The sources from News: acced 7 mei 2018 acced 7 of mei 2018 acced 8 of mei 2018 acced 7 of mei 2018.


